Welcome to PT3 where Physical Therapy & Private Training are met with a Personal Touch

Physical Therapy



PT3 concierge physical therapy was created around the idea that the quickest way to rehab is with one on one treatments by a trained professional in the comfort of your own home.  Our brand of physical therapy is a prescription for overall health and wellness that provides convenience, patient education and privacy. There are no assistants, interns, junior therapists, or techs involved with your recovery. Only you and your Doctor of PT.


Musculoskeletal Examination

Our clinicians diagnose the source of painful symptoms, in addition to determining why the symptoms originally began. This lays the framework for constructing a rehabilitation plan aimed at permanent symptom resolution.

Dry Needling   

Dry Needling is also known as intramuscular stimulation. It is a technique used by certified physical therapists in which thin filament needles are used to promote natural healing and restoration of healthy physiology. Dry needling is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain, rehabilitation from injury, and can even help with injury prevention.

Therapeutic Exercise

We view therapeutic exercise as carefully guided movements performed for the purpose of correcting musculoskeletal impairments. Exercise progression is guided by movement mastery and impairment resolution.

Therapeutic Activities

Functional independence is achieved by performing all of one’s activities of daily living. Tasks such as, bathing and dressing can be challenging following injury. We will help you restore independence through strategic positioning and purposeful practice.


Gait Training

Walking is essential to one’s quality of life. We will teach and facilitate efficient ambulation patterns to promote mobility independence, energy conservation, and decrease fall risk.5


Learn to improve movement by integrating the nervous and muscular systems through conscious effort and external stimuli.

Proprioceptive Balance Training

Anyone can lose his/her balance, but not everyone can find stability before injury ensues. Proprioceptive balance training teaches your body to anticipate loss of balance with timely reaction strategies.

Spinal/Joint Traction

A manual modality used to modulate inflammatory agents at the joint level and facilitate relaxation of surrounding musculature.


Soft Tissue Mobilization

A manual modality used to release adhesions within and between connective tissue, modulate muscle tension, and improve blood flow to treated areas.

Manual Stretching

Our clinicians’ position and isolate stretching to the desired soft tissue in order to minimize strain to surrounding structures.

Joint Mobilization and Manipulation

A manual technique used to improve joint mobility and arthrokinematic integrity. Manipulation is a high velocity, low amplitude mobilization. It can be used to increase the mobility of a joint, modulate muscle tension around a joint, and provide pain relief.

Ergonomic Assessment

Many individuals work at a desk from home or in an office. We are trained to observe posture and joint positions to identify the ergonomic risks such as repetitive tasks that can cause muscle strain or injury. Improper work area setup can result in the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and pain. 


Home Modification Assessment

Adaptive materials and equipment can be essential for independent living. PT3 clinicians work to create a safe and functional living environment by identifying individual needs.

Fall Prevention

PT3 provides the appropriate tools and equipment, in addition to employing skilled interventions to decrease fall risk.

Patient/Client Education

Our goal is to educate each patient so they understand the purpose of every clinical modality and therapeutic intervention performed during treatment. As PT3 believes, optimal rehabilitation is ensured by the patients’ full understanding of their physical impairments, the steps to address those impairments and the process needed to enhance their functional ability.

Gait Training

Walking is essential to one’s quality of life. PT3 teaches and facilitates efficient ambulation patterns to promote mobility independence, energy conservation, and decrease fall risk.5



Targeted Vibration Therapy is a non-invasive, new technology that can be utilized during treatments to quickly release tension, pain and stiffness. This powerful vibration allows muscles to effectively elongate while on a stretch and your therapist can help you with this.


Cupping is an alternative medicine treatment that offers myofascial release benefits. Suction cups are applied directly to skin, creating a vacuum effect that aims to treat majority of soft tissue conditions. Treatment target includes but not limited to the following: Increasing muscle and joint mobility by breaking up myofascial adhesions.

After scheduling a knee replacement I engaged PT3 to assist me in strengthening the knee prior to surgery. After only two sessions my knee muscles lengthened reducing stiffness, swelling went down and pain went away! I canceled my surgery.
— Gerry Shaheen

Meet your PTs.
